Monday, July 9, 2012

Miss Arkansas Cupcakes - Day 1

The week of Miss Arkansas has started which means I have only a few days left until I can eat a cupcake or at least splurge a little on my diet.  However, this morning at rehearsal during our very brief break I pulled out my iPad and started looking on some of my favorite cupcake blogs.  Which is when Abby Lindsey, one of the contestants, commented on a picture that I had posted on my Instagram over the weekend.  The one to the right is a chocolate s'more cupcake with a HUGE marshmallow on top and a chocolate sauce on top that is also injected into the center of the vanilla chocolate chip cupcake.  The plain vanilla frosting allows the chocolate and the marshmallow flavors to really shine.  The picture below is another favorite from the girls (can you tell we are so hungry :)

 These cupcakes are all pretzel and chocolate and caramel.  YUM!  All of these cupcakes just look delicious.  But in honor of Abby's obsession, or cupcake lust, for the s'more cupcake above, I am going to share several s'more cupcakes with you that I have found in my cupcake stalking.  If there are any questions you want answered this week during the pageant from the girls concerning food, workout, or of course cupcakes - ask them and we will get them answered for you!

I also have my blog open and running with everything pageant from pictures to videos from this week!  Hop on over and check those out as well.  But first - enjoy these s'more cupcakes.  Which one is your favorite??

This super chocolate s'more cupcake has marshmallow ganache filling the center just like an actual s'more.  The tan frosting you see on top is the graham cracker frosting.  I have no idea what it tastes like - but I bet it's good!  
The next cupcake is obviously called the campfire - and who doesn't like a good campfire with graham crackers, a toasted marshmallow and some frosting and cake to go with it?  I don't know about you but looks fabulous!     

This cupcake almost looks like it has marshmallow cream on the top of it!  But boy does it look delicious!  Which one would you want?  I like the hershey bar sticking out of the top - but if you look closely to the cake - it doesn't quite look moist enough, however I am not a chocolate cake kind of girl.  I love vanilla, strawberry, and of course RED VELVET!!

This last cupcake is just a peanut butter chocolate cupcake that I found while stalking cupcake blogs. It looks absolutely delicious and the peanut butter frosting under the reese cup looks so moist - almost like warm cookie dough!!! I LOVE IT!

I hope you have enjoyed the cupcakes today.  I will be posting everyday a different cupcake that the girls and I have talked about!  I hope that you ask questions and see a different side of pageant girls - we are just like you!! WE LOVE CUPCAKES!!

Don't forget to watch the Miss Arkansas Videos on Charmed Bliss!!

The Cupcake Queen!

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