Monday, July 9, 2012

Miss Arkansas Cupcakes - Day 1

The week of Miss Arkansas has started which means I have only a few days left until I can eat a cupcake or at least splurge a little on my diet.  However, this morning at rehearsal during our very brief break I pulled out my iPad and started looking on some of my favorite cupcake blogs.  Which is when Abby Lindsey, one of the contestants, commented on a picture that I had posted on my Instagram over the weekend.  The one to the right is a chocolate s'more cupcake with a HUGE marshmallow on top and a chocolate sauce on top that is also injected into the center of the vanilla chocolate chip cupcake.  The plain vanilla frosting allows the chocolate and the marshmallow flavors to really shine.  The picture below is another favorite from the girls (can you tell we are so hungry :)

 These cupcakes are all pretzel and chocolate and caramel.  YUM!  All of these cupcakes just look delicious.  But in honor of Abby's obsession, or cupcake lust, for the s'more cupcake above, I am going to share several s'more cupcakes with you that I have found in my cupcake stalking.  If there are any questions you want answered this week during the pageant from the girls concerning food, workout, or of course cupcakes - ask them and we will get them answered for you!

I also have my blog open and running with everything pageant from pictures to videos from this week!  Hop on over and check those out as well.  But first - enjoy these s'more cupcakes.  Which one is your favorite??

This super chocolate s'more cupcake has marshmallow ganache filling the center just like an actual s'more.  The tan frosting you see on top is the graham cracker frosting.  I have no idea what it tastes like - but I bet it's good!  
The next cupcake is obviously called the campfire - and who doesn't like a good campfire with graham crackers, a toasted marshmallow and some frosting and cake to go with it?  I don't know about you but looks fabulous!     

This cupcake almost looks like it has marshmallow cream on the top of it!  But boy does it look delicious!  Which one would you want?  I like the hershey bar sticking out of the top - but if you look closely to the cake - it doesn't quite look moist enough, however I am not a chocolate cake kind of girl.  I love vanilla, strawberry, and of course RED VELVET!!

This last cupcake is just a peanut butter chocolate cupcake that I found while stalking cupcake blogs. It looks absolutely delicious and the peanut butter frosting under the reese cup looks so moist - almost like warm cookie dough!!! I LOVE IT!

I hope you have enjoyed the cupcakes today.  I will be posting everyday a different cupcake that the girls and I have talked about!  I hope that you ask questions and see a different side of pageant girls - we are just like you!! WE LOVE CUPCAKES!!

Don't forget to watch the Miss Arkansas Videos on Charmed Bliss!!

The Cupcake Queen!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How to Eat Two Cupcakes for One Cupcake's Calories...and more!

I have been waiting on this post.  I have had the pictures for a while- but wanted to wait until 
I was good and hungry haha.  
This post is all about the insides... not my insides - the cupcake's insides!  
Since we aren't eating this delicious little cakes - we need to really think about and 'disect'
what is truly on the inside.  These are some of the greatest cakes you will ever see 
and no - I am sorry I did not make them, but I bet if you tried ---
you could make them yourself!  

This first cupcake is a chocolate brownie cookie dough cupcake with some whipped cream mixed buttercream frosting.  The inside of this cake... an an actual brownie.  

Let's really think about this: 

Bottom layer: brownie cake mix
inside - an actual brownie
Top Layer: chocolate chip cookie dough 
And frosting:  whipped cream buttercream with chocolate chips

What they did - is they cooked brownies.  Then made more mix
after making both they poured the mix in the cupcake pan, and on top of the mix
you need to place a brownie (small quarter sized piece) right on top.  

After baking half way - take the pan out and place the chocolate chip cookie dough on top. 
That way - it cooks a little - but it is more doughy then the actual cake when 
everything is all said and done.  

The frosting is just whipped cream and buttercream frosting tossed with chocolate chips 
and dolloped on top.

I am a big dollop kind of girl (name that movie)_so I need quite a bit!



This next cupcake is a plain and simple peanut butter chocolate chip cupcake... The best part of this picture - and fantasizing about this cupcake....Take a not the frosting...The CHOCOLATE CHIPS!Look at this picture!  PLease tell me that it is not the most appetizing thing ever!? I can't stop drooling.  And if you look right in between the two largest chips in the middle - you see that ooey gooey middle... Yah - that would be my favorite part ;)  ENJOY!


I just couldn't do an inside the cupcake post without this cupcake.  Even though it is plain jane
and simple.. it has a lot of attitude and personality.  The best part about this cupcake is that
it's really two cupcakes - but you 'only get the calories of one' because
technically it is ONE cupcake ;)  


Now I was reluctant to add this next cupcake --not because it doesn't look delicious and I wouldn't gobble the entire thing x2 up, but because I am not sure how I feelabout the whole salted caramel thing.This is a salted caramel cupcake - and you guessed it a solid caramel square in the middle.The top has the sea salt along with some mixed in the caramel cake that surrounds the square - but honestly guys I just don't know what I think... I will have to try one first.
What do yall think?

Are you kidding me?  Take a look at this next cupcake......

Now look at it again...  and more time....Does it not make you want to eat it?  If you are sick to your stomachby this point in the post - i understand... but even if you don't want to eat the cupcake - check out that knife... I mean who doesn't love LOVEa knife to lick?  If you said - not me - you are lying.  This is your plain jane chocolate but the frosting is not whipped it is made with a thicker cream base which means that it isn't going to be as milky but will have more of a fudge texture.Some people like a thicker frosting - me?  I like it smooth and melt in your mouth creamy...

This wouldn't be my first choice - but if you do want to spend time in the kitchen
whipping together something fast and sweet for your sweet-ie hahaha
all you have to do is make a chocolate base - grab some fudge chocolate frosting - and right when
the batter is 1/2 done - plop a piece of your favorite chocolate on the tip of the cakes - the most important part - top the cupcake pan off with some more batter (don't forget to save some).  
This will ensure that the chocolate gets melted and stays melted - but that the top the cake is hard enough to frost!  
Be creative!  Use dark chocolate or try chocolates with different fruits in the middle - or maybe
even the crunch bars!  Oh and twix or take 5 would be incredible!


I don't - so I am not going to explain this cupcake - but I know they are a favorite
around Easter - so enjoy looking - and remember this for next Easter!


Okay in the HOLIDAY theme.  

This is a Pumpkin Pie cupcake -

 so it is perfect for the holidays!  

Step by step - this is how it's done...
You want to create a frosting that is a perfect addition and complimentary to the 
pumpkin on the inside - so what better than a Brown Sugar Frosting?
Browned Sugar Frosting

1 stick real butter
3 cups powdered sugar
1 Tbsp Vanilla
2-3 Tbsp Milk
dash of salt (optional)
Start by making this so the butter can cool while you make your cupcakes.
In a skillet, add 1 stick of butter (1/2 cup). Allow to cook for about 5 minutes, while stirring. When it turns brown, remove from heat and allow to cool.
Once fully cooled, add to mixer bowl with the powdered sugar, vanilla, and 2 Tablespoons milk. Beat until well mixed. If too firm, add the 3rd Tablespoon of milk.
Beat on high for 5 minutes.
Taste. If you feel it’s too sweet, throw in the dash of salt to tone it down.
If you are planning to frost 24 cupcakes with a large icing tip, this will NOT be enough. Double the recipe. If icing using a knife, you should be fine with this amount.
Next - which is not in this picture (but is what I would do) make a graham cracker crust for each cupcake... does not have to be anything special just some graham crackers crushed with 
butter melted to hold them together.  (let that harden)
Your pumpkin pie filling is going to be just that - a pumpkin pie.  Pour vanilla cupcake mix 
into the cupcake cup (1/2 way down) and then you will want to 
roll your pumpkin pie mix into a square (so that it covers more area in the cupcake).  Make sure that the pumpkin pie is covered at the top by adding additional vanilla cupcake mix.  
***If you want to get fun with your vanilla cupcake mix - add cinnamon and pumpkin spices to your 
batter to give it that extra holiday kick.

This last cake is just way way way too appealing to me!  

It is Apple Pie!

Jesus will have this at the Heavenly Gates when I die and head that way. 
I just know it.

This cupcake is different because it doesn't have frosting it uses vanilla ice cream.

The Cake will be an apple cinnamon cake with apple pie filling dispersed in the mix 
(personally I would combine my apple pie filling)


BUT if you want to be technical about the cupcakes...

Use a Spice Boxed Cupcake mix and make it normal.  

After you take the cupcakes out - core the cupcake (take just a quarter sized chunk out of the middle of the cupcake and pour in your apple pie filling.  Yes there will be an opening at the top - but that should be covered by your ice cream and if you see in the picture below where the
ice cream meets the cake - you can see how the ice cream (in the middle) meets the apple
pie filling. 

The bite of apple pie on top - is literally a mini mini mini apple pie - 
so take a pie crust cut it into little circles - stuff with apple pie filling - 
cover with a nutmeg, ginger, and sugar sprinkle - don't forget to rub with butter before sprinkling 
or it won't stick!
I hope you all have enjoyed these cupcakes as much as I have!

have a great skinny day :)

The Princess In Me!

In honor of Miss Arkansas Outstanding Teen today - I would like to show off some cute princess cupcakes. 

These cupcakes just make you want to smile.
even though I am not a huge fan of the fondant on cupcakes and (I really don't like it on
wedding cakes) but they just make everything so adorable. 
Tough price to pay for a cute looking cake! 

If you look closely at these cute little cakes - you will see that there are cookie dough flavors (up top) Strawberry (middle in pink), M&M (obvious), your s'more cupcake will be on the 3rd row to the left, followed by the milk chocolate, and dark chocolate on vanilla, the bottom row is lemon, chocolate on chocolate and of course can't for the red velvet! 

As you look at this picture please imagine, and even eat one for me :)  As I am nearing the date of Miss Arkansas I get closer and closer to the day of consumption... hmm I kind of like that term! 

Well I hope you enjoy this.  I will be posting pictures of arrival on Charmed Bliss. so head over there for all of the Miss Arkansas and Miss Arkansas Oustanding Teen Coverage :) 

I have several cupcake posts that are ready to go - so keep calm... and


Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Soo Close - but yet so far

I found these pictures... yes on my favorite site - FoodGawker and they made my mouth water.  I am hoping they are just as delictable to you.  First we have my favorite -- the red velvet cupcake and then to the bite.  No.  I did not. Eat. This. Cupcake.  I found this picture.

Honestly though, can we please take a moment and examine this picture.  How moist does that cupcake look?  The red velvet almost looks like batter it looks so moist.  I can tell you one thing -- my bite would not be that small if that cupcake was as good tasting as it looked.  It would go from a cupcake to gone cake.  (get it - corny I know)

If you don't like red velvet - maybe you can imagine yourself taking a bite into this bite size of fun cake.  It doesn't look as moist - but the frosting looks thick and sweet.  Exactly what frosting should be.  The sprinkles... come on now.. the sprinkles just make you smile.  I remember when my mom used to put sprinkles on my birthday cakes and it was my favorite part. 

I have fallen in love with Fro-yo.  In fact, my roomies Kellie and Racheal love fro-yo, and it is our favorite study break in Waco.  I always go for the sugar free fat free tart.  That is the flavor that I love.  And the girls are always quick to give me hard time when I put sprinkles on it.  They say, "you get sugar free but yet you put sugary sprinkles on your yogurt."  It is all about the little things in life... Sprinkles - are my little things!

Found this at Hobby Lobby the other day and fell in love.  I didn't buy it - but one
day when I have a little girl, she will love cupcakes.
She will be my cupcake.
and this will go in her room!

It's kind of hard to read, it says Tiny Cakes - Big Smiles.
Which is a perfect way to end your day - cupcakes and smiles.
So why not!
Go treat yourself!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Arkansas

Happy Birthday Arkansas!  

Arkansas turns 176 today and what a happy day that was.  In 1836 Arkansas became the 25th state to be admited into the Union! 

Yay for Birthdays and cupcakes :)

Which cupcake would you choose for your birthday!  I personally want this one:  

A chocolate cupcake with plain vanilla bean frosting and sprinkles!  
Nothing crazy or extravagant but comforting and consistent.  That is what I like in my cupcakes (and men hehe) something that comfortable and something that I know that I will love :)  Because why waste calories on a treat that isn't worth it.  

And I know this would be worth it ;)

Happy Birthday Arkansas!

(this is what arkansas' cupcake would look like with all of the candles)

The Cupcake Queen

Friday, June 15, 2012

24 days!

As my Miss Arkansas journey comes to close in the next 24 days I am reminded that I am getting close to that glorious day when I can take a bite out of a cupcake and not worry about the poundage that might follow on my body ;), but most importantly I am 24 days from the best 6 days of the year! The 6 days where I am hanging out constantly with 47 women that make every day an adventure!! And each day WILL have a video! I am in the process of cleaning off my hard drive to have enough room for the videos! But I can't wait!

I found this picture on Kylie Jenners instagram so if you don't follow her - you should!

Which cupcake did you look at first? The oreo? Maybe the m&m? What about the s'mores or brownie!? The moment my eyes met this picture.. I was admiring the m&m in the back! And even though you can't see the whole cupcake, I imagine a delicate chocolate cake with a rich ganache filling and a frothy buttercream to perfectly accompany the chocolate candies that are perched atop this magnificent creation.

But ladies remember just look and don't touch until parkas and sweatpants are in season because as long as its swimsuit time we need to keep the fat off and fit on!

The Cupcake Queen!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Get ready for this...

Today I will introduce you to my 3 new friends!

Mr. Chocolate Chip Cookie, Mrs. Lemon Bar, and the 28 cousins known as the MAFIA
(Some of you understand this allusion)

Mr. Chocolate Chip:
This is a double chocolate chip cake - that looks super moist from the glare of the camera
I am sure it is ;)  And then you have your basic buttercream and chocolate buttercream frosting  which, is drizzled with a thick rich carmel sauce and the best part - topped off with a chocolate chip cookie! 

Holy Cow!      

Some people sometimes wonder how to eat a delicate cupcake like this one  Well I am about to tell you:  1. Take the cookie off (which will have just a bit of buttercream frosting on it to add a delicious taste  2. I usually eat the frosting first (It is my favorite)

3.  Finish with the cake - and I don't bite into it, I pull apart! 
4. Sit in Satisfaction!

Mrs. Lemon Bar:

This is sweet and buttery vanilla cupcake that most likely has a hint of lemon in it!

The frosting is a luscious lemon frosting that has a beautiful citrus flavor that
comes from both lemon zest and some juice from the batter.

In between both levels of the sweet buttercream frosting is a crisp and crumbly lemon bar.  The lemon bar is tart, rich, and rolled into perfection in order to make this cupcake a wonderful part of the summer.  

How to eat this cupcake: 
1. Eat the lemon square (with the dollop of frosting) 
2. Since this cupcake doesn't have a lot of frosting on the bottom layer you should 
break the cupcake up to have some little bites 
with a hint of citrus frosting and the buttery cake!

Just look and enjoy! 

How cute are these cupcakes?  Almost too cute to eat... or not! haha

Hope you have enjoyed today's blog!  

Miss Cupcake Queen:

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Monday!

Well I am laying out by the pool today enjoying no work and no class (which is actually a pretty interesting class) today when it hits me. We are enjoying this day off and most of the population will fail to remember. It is Memorial Day for a reason and yet no one remembers.

So I want to take this post to remember. Our friends, family, and so many strangers over the past 200 years have fought for our country to make it a better place and to ensure our freedom. My grandfathers, uncles, and dad were even apart of it.

The military effects each of us differently. Today I want to take the time to thank those who have enlisted and gambled with their life to allow me to be safe and live the American Dream.

My cousin's husband (so I guess my cousin) Matt is currently in the Air Force and they have just had a beautiful baby boy named Dean!

But he gives up so much family time for his job. But he does it to make sure America remains free and safe! So thank you Matt. In honor of the Air Force I have some air force cupcakes!! ENJOY!

Next- my sister is dating Patrick. A man in the Navy. It's been interesting because I have been able to see his training and how he handled Plebe Summer (boot camp in so many words). These men don't just fight wars, they train hard. They are strong mentally and physically.

Patrick will be an incredible Naval Officer one day. But until then he is giving up a lot to be in Anapolis Maryland. So thank you to the Naval Academy and all of the Navy people for what they do!

So HAPPY MEMORIAL DAY! And don't forget to thank those that have fought, will fight, and are preparing to protect our country! Because you wouldn't be at the pool, on the golf course, or out of work today without them!

Miss Cupcake Queen!

P.s. sorry the pictures aren't big. I'm blogging pool side and on my phone! Haha have a great rest of the day!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, May 26, 2012

PICs of the WEEK!

Here are a collage of Cupcake stuff that I like and have kept me entertained this week!!  I hope you

ENJOY this stuff as much as I did.

I see this little boy taking a big ole mouth full of cupcake.  Boy do I have some jealousy in my bones right now.  haha - not really (figure of speech), but that chocolate cake looks absolutely delicious!

Just imagine what the next 5 minutes of this picture would look like...

In my mind the picture would look a lot like nay 5 year-old's picture with a cupcake..

icing all over the mouth and a humongous smile of accomplishment and Bliss

as he continues to eat the cupcake... 

Much like mine on Saturday July 15, 2012 after the Miss Arkansas Pageant!

 Are these cupcake cookies not the cutest things ever!  I bet they taste delicious too.  One of the best parts about the Pageant, and I am exaggerating when I say that, are the crown cookies that One of the teen's mother makes from south Arkansas.  The girls can attest and back me up on it - 

these cookies are delicious!  The best cookies, besides chocolate chip, that I have ever had!

Some yummy yummy cupcakes to indulge in this week!  Can you tell I like Chocolate cupcakes with Peanut Butter Frosting!  Saying Frosting makes me think of How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days -

"women of new york, FROST yourselves!"  haha

But don't these cupcakes look so happy to eat.  I know they would make 

me the happiest girl in the world - okay maybe not that much...

But taking a bite would send me straight back to my childhood, 

Christmas Eve to be exact - when you waited all night for the big morning..

And on Christmas Morning (the bite of the cupcake) you could not open enough gifts, eat enough

breakfast casserole, and it was the only time of year mom would by 

the sister schubert rolls that were cinnamon rolls!  Oh its the best day ever!

And BITES of these cupcakes would send me straight back there!


I have fallen in love.  With Sugar Free Nonfat Vanilla Steamers!  They are amazing

And you know what would be even more amazing... my Steamer in this cupcake mug!!

I love this shirt!! It would be so cute in my Cupcake Basket for Miss Arkansas!  But it is all the way in Fort Walton Beach - I can't drive there for a shirt... even though it is the CUTEST shirt ever!!!!

I wish this was my New Year's Resolution - and that I could keep it... and 


my husband will wear this one day

i am positive.

and if not.....

well then, he isn't my husband lol

And to leave you with that little joke.

I hope that you enjoy these amazing little cupcake pictures!

I can't wait for tomorrow's cupcakes!


the cupcake queen 


Thursday, May 24, 2012

Day 2 and Day 3

Okay okay okay... I know I let you down yesterday... I am sorry you didn't get to experience cupcakes!! :) Well today guess what!


I am in a bit of a fruity mood today.. which I will take as a blessing - because most of the time
I am in a chocolate mood and it is all I can do to not pop chocolate bon bons all day. 
But today is a good today becuase I am craving blueberrys and strawberry cake. 

Remember last year when Blueberry muffins were all I could think about?
I am thankful for my sweet roommate Kathryn Holcomb for bringing blueberry
rice cakes to tide me over for the week.  And then her sweet momma broughme a blueberry
muffin for after competition. 

Today I am featuring two delightful cupcakes:  A Strawberry cupcakes with Straawberry buttercream
frosting and adorable dainty little cupcake sprinkles. 
Let me tell you one thing - if I could eat a cupcake everyday... I would be the
happiest littel girl ever!

Just imagine the fruity very delicate but sweet taste as this cupcake enters your mouth!
I think the buttercream frosting is a sweet addition to the strawberry cake that
would make anyone's mouth water!


Now we can focus on my obsession:


This Blueberry cupcake has fresh blueberries on top as well with the best blueberrys in the middle.
Want to know a secret:
When making blueberry cupcakes, muffins, crumb cake, etc... what you need to do is
buy fresh blueberries and freeze them.  Then put them in the batter frozen.
That way when they unthaw they will be super fresh in the cupcakes.
You never want to drain blueberries either - the juice provides a lot of fresh tastes and moistens the
cake ever so slightly!

This cupcake has a basic vanilla frosting - but in this picture it looks more like ice cream!
Which is fine with me.  Blueberry cake with ice cream is wonderful!
2 summers ago I lived with my uncle and aunt and my cousins in Dallas. He spoiled me rotten
with the Bachelor Blueberry Pie.  That is most likely not what he calls it....

But think about how your grandmother would make a pie - and then use the easiest premade ingredients.
everything was frozen or premade and then he put WAY too much sugar and butter in it...

BUTTER makes everything better!  And it does... especially when you are preparing for Miss Arkansas!

If you are just now joining us... or are new to my blog here are some things you need to know:

I do not make these cupcakes nor do I eat them.
I merely just talk about them because I love cupcakes and while I would love to eat
every single one of them... I cannot. 

I write about them because it satisfies that want that I have!

I hope you enjoy them!

Eat and ENJOY!